Faces of Footprints

When Footprints come full circle: Meet Tahlia

When Footprints come full circle: Meet Tahlia

Footprints Educator Tahlia McGrail knows all-too-well how impactful a positive early learning experience can be. Why? Because she attended Footprints as a child herself. Tahlia McGrail describes herself as being a bit of a ‘Mummy’s girl’ as a child. “My daily drop...

Carol Cooke – Educational Leader

Carol Cooke – Educational Leader

My name is Carol, and I am the Educational Leader. I have worked at Footprints for 11 years and absolutely love my job. I have four children of my own and in all my ‘spare time’ like to paint or make things out of wood. I also dabble in amateur photography and you...

Bethany Taylor – Complex Director

Bethany Taylor – Complex Director

My name is Beth and I am the service’s Director. I have worked at Footprints for 3 ½ years, and in the Childcare profession for over 7 years. I worked in the Inquiry Room for 2 years before taking on a management role then becoming Director in January 2020. As...

Sarah Dare – Quality Assurance Co-ordinator

Sarah Dare – Quality Assurance Co-ordinator

Hi, I'm Sarah and my role at Footprints is the centre’s Quality Assurance Coordinator, working alongside Beth and Carol in a management role. I started at Footprints way back in 2008 and have enjoyed being part of the team throughout my time here. I have three...

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our new website

It’s been over 25 years since Footprints Educational Complex first opened our doors to the beautiful Burnie community. Throughout that time, we’ve been honoured to watch thousands of young sparks step out into the world, ready to burn brightly.